Monday, June 10, 2013

What Is Next On the Hempfield Track Blog!

OK.  Track season is over for the high school team & 2013 was another memorable year!!  What will this blog do this summer?  MORE TRACK & FIELD!!!

Here is a list of topics for the summer:

1 - Hempfield Hall of Fame
I will discuss current Hempfield Hall of Fame members that participated in track & field!  Here is the list of athletes that are in the Hall of Fame that participated in track & field!

Year Inducted - Name
2005 - Adam Burket
2005 - Tom Herr
2005 - Robert Rivard
2005 - Kevin Schadt
2005 - Marilyn Senz
2006 - Traci Shaub (Fisher)
2006 - Richard Horst
2006 - Carol Miller
2006 - Pam Neiss (Stuper)
2007 - Meryl Schmidt (Shoemaker)
2008 - Kirk Liddel
2008 - Doug Nauman
2009 - Troy Milhouse
2010 - Amy Stairs (Grube)
2010 - Jodi Heistand (Habecker)
2011 - Jeff Bradley
2011 - Jeff Fritz
2012 - Warren Taylor
2013 - Jerry Frey

2 - Current High School & College Athletes
What are they doing this summer?  What are their college plans?  And summer meets?

3 - Track & Field News
What is happening in the world of Track & Field?  Summer Events?

4 - Miscellaneous!
Anything Track & Field!!!

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