Sunday, February 17, 2013

Eric Solomon(Widener University) Weight Throw Video!

A Weight Throw is a unique event!  For most people, it is an event that needs a little coaching!

First how about a picture!

Want to purchase one - look at the Gill Catalog for the Weight Implement

The idea is to throw this as far as possible and the weight is between 20-35 pounds!!!!!!!  I think the men's college weight is 35 pounds (ladies 20?)!  How about the technique - let's take a look at Eric!

Ready to give it a try?  OK. duct tape 2-3 bowling balls together, cut the handle off one of your wife's or girl friends purse & tape that on and let it rip!!!  Good luck!

Check out Eric in The MAC Indoor Track & Field Championships this Saturday, February 23 at Lehigh University!

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